Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Energy Drained is Energy Gained

WattDepot: A one-stop shop for all your energy and power needs

Complementing the previous blog entry on energy in Hawaii, I had recently gained firsthand experience in manipulating the output of energy data, all from the comfort of my own home, using the WattDepot API. WattDepot is a web service that allows a host computer to connect as a client to an existing web server. This web server collects energy and power usage data stored in meters and saves the information in a database, which the WattDepot client can access. The meters I was concerned with are located in the Hale Aloha Towers (freshman dorms) on the University of Hawaii at Manoa campus. The sheer proximity of the meters only made this task of working with live energy and power data more relevant and meaningful.

Not to say that it wasn't stressful.

Enter the WattDepot katas:

Kata 1: SourceListing

The task was to print out the names of each source of data (where the meters were installed) across from their respective descriptions. This kata was absolutely deceiving, only because it was so straightforward, given the wattdepot-simpleapp to start us off with. A simple copy-and-paste from the simple application, with minor tweaks to the format of the output, made this kata breeze by in about 5 minutes.

Kata 2: SourceLatency

This seemed fairly straightforward: print out the sources and their latency values (in seconds). Another simple copy-and-paste from wattdepot-simpleapp got me off to a quick start. Wonderful, it printed out the latency values and the sources just fine. But not-so-wonderful, it didn't print them out by ascending order of latency value. I ended up taking the longest time, around 4 or 5 hours (not including the breaks in between), on this kata because of time spent searching for a suitable Java Collections class to use that would allow duplicate keys to map to different values. I finally figured out that Java doesn't have any built-in libraries that hold for this simple concept. While Googling, I discovered the Guava libraries, created and maintained by Google employees, who use it as their core libraries for Java-based projects. It took less than a minute to download the jar file and import it into my WattDepot project in Eclipse. Yes, now I could work with the Multimap interface, which allows duplicate keys to map to more than one value.

Unfortunately, printing out the keys and values using a Multimap in the format required by this kata was not a task I wished to partake in, as it seemed to be too much trouble than it was worth; I felt the same way about making my own Collections class. In the end, it was the first proper Collections package that I wrote, CompactDiscCollection, that gave me inspiration to use a TreeSet data structure of String objects. The String value was a concatenation of latency and the source name. Yes, I would say this was hardcoding, as it relied on the fact that my latency values were 2 digits long, but it was quite the shortcut, alleviating much stress.

Kata 3: SourceHierarchy

The task was to output a text-based visual representation of the hierarchy of sources and their subsources. I probably spent the second-to-least amount of time on this kata, for about 1 to 2 hours. Browsing through the relevant topic on the class Google Group definitely helped. I, like others before me, wasn't sure whether or not to include certain sources as top-level sources, since some of them were already listed as subsources for other sources. Ultimately, I didn't list them to avoid redundancies in the output. The time-consuming (but not difficult) part of this kata was parsing all the information returned by certain WattDepot methods. But learning a little more about java.util.regex.Pattern was quite rewarding.

Kata 4: EnergyYesterday

Here, the task was to retrieve all of yesterday's energy consumption data for each source. I believe this kata took me longer to complete than the previous one. Since it took such a while, I decided to leave in the code I originally wrote to acquire yesterday's year, month, and date (commented out, of course). Apparently, to my surprise, I didn't read the Calendar API closely enough because there already exists two methods that can acquire yesterday's date. Setting the start and end timestamps to 00:00:00.000 AM and 11:59:59.999 PM was a simple manipulation of Calendar objects, but getting to know how these objects mix with XMLGregorianCalendar objects and how timestamps actually work was quite a bit to tackle all at once. What frustrated me most was trying to figure out which of the 5 existing Tstamp.makeTimestamp() methods from the WattDepot API to use.

Kata 5: HighestRecordedPowerYesterday

This kata was quite a change from the previous one, as we were tasked to calculate the highest power (not energy this time) for each source recorded the day before. The class Google Group and kata specification helped me determine that 15-minute time intervals for a total of 96 queries from the database would provide more accurate data. But there were 64 sources, so for each source to query the database 96 times, it took quite a while to produce the output, which was not at all fun and friendly. I had to move to a place with faster Internet speed and wait for a few minutes before acquiring decent output (yet not without red error messages from a catch clause due to miscellaneous errors). I believe I took about 2 hours on this. This kata was definitely more trouble than fun.

Kata 6: MondayAverageEnergy

The last task was to compute and print the average energy consumption during the two previous Mondays for each source. It was simple enough to copy over the contents from Kata 4 and begin computing the offset value required for one Monday ago, relative to the current date. After that minor calculation, adding another 7 days to the offset did the trick for two Mondays ago. This probably took about an hour to complete. Like Kata 5, I had more trouble with acquiring the data for this, perhaps due to the fact that I was querying data from over a week ago.


To be honest, the title of this blog post is the first thing that popped to mind. Yay, something catchy. Yay, it rhymes. But after getting this far in the post, I realized that the title is not without purpose, for indeed, energy drained (into these katas) is energy gained (I feel much, much more knowledgeable about Java APIs and programming lessons learned in general). I learned that the folks at Google are more awesome than they already are because they've recognized the deficiencies in the Java Collections API and have shared with the world their extensions to it. Despite this fact, I have also learned that no matter how many different types of collections are created by others in the world of open source, you will usually find that a certain promising-looking collection just doesn't meet your needs exactly as you wish. I have also practiced the art of lazy programming by taking advantage of String victims and Java TreeSet instead of going through the trouble of making a collection class to suit my needs. Hardcoding was my friend during this time of stress, as I was pressed beyond reasonable allowable time as it was. Regardless of it all, I have never been better off. Energy data manipulation is just plain cool. And something quite useful for the future of tomorrow.

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